====== Bildergalerie ======
* [[bilder:Grillfest2009:]]
* [[bilder:grt2013|Gratis Rollenspiel Tag 2013]]
/* ------------- Kommentar -------------
Das imageflow Plugin funktioniert anscheinend nicht mehr! Daher ist diese Anleitung obsolet!
===== Beispiewl einer Gallerie =====
Der Hazzardteam-Leader mischt eine spezielle Knobauchsoße - die bläst jeden Gegner um...?
Der Botschafter guckt schon recht diplomatisch, gell..?
===== und hier die Syntax: =====
Der Botschafter
Option Description
%NAMESPACE% If this is given, the following won't matter. The plugin then reads all images from the
given namespace and builds the flow-scroller
%IMAGE% an Image as you know it from DokuWiki - but it does not yet support any known options
%WIDTH% (optional) Width in px. The only option that should be given, so that DokuWiki will
return smaller Images and the browser won't have to load and re-render all the images
at this point. The recommended width is “200”
%LINKTO% (optional) Here you can set a wiki page. If this is given, the user will be redirected to
the wiki page, instead of getting a popup when clicking the image.
%DESCRIPTION% You can give an alternate description here, to display some description if no IPTC
Caption meta-data is set
You can use your images names or page names as anchors. This will directly pop out the item after the imageflow loaded.