Hier neue [[sffi:Termine]] eintragen. /* oder */ /* --- Kommentar --- Anleitung --- ******* Mögliche Terminarten *******+ siehe: user/events.css - SFFI - Kino - Con - Party - Rollenspiel - Brettspiel ******** Syntax ****** mode= could be month, week or day. month is default. mode=ahmet_month Prints a monthly calendar table, each row showing a week, and each column showing certain day of the week. pages=(,,...) A comma-separated list of wiki-pages or namespaces or groups. These are the source of the date data that will be used to populated the calendar. A group is a list of wiki-pages/namespaces enclosed by round-parenthesis delimited by a pipe-symbol '|'. You can also add a name to a group. See examples below. You can use @USER@ and @ID@ as a macro for current-user and current-page. If the user is not logged in, @USER@ is expanded to the literal 'guest´. Starting with release 2006-11-10 you can address a single section of a wikipage by using a ”#”. :!: Attention: :!: You can select any internal wiki-pages you like to. But the pages and namespaces must not include spaces, because spaces are used to separate the parameters. year= The year to display. Optional. Default is current year. month= The month to display. Optional. Default is current month. day= The day to display. Optional. Default is current day. offset= Offset relative to given month, week or day. offset=1 means next month (when mode=month). A negative offset shifts backwards (e.g. -2 would be the day before yesterday) days= Only applies to week- or day-mode. Overrides the default number of days to display (7=week-mode, 1=day-mode). You can set it to 5 to omit the week-end (Sat/Sun). Or set it to 10 to see a little more than one week. pagelinks= can be show, hide or auto. auto is default. Specify if you like to display the links from the calendar-entries to the origin-pages. pagelinks= … description show shows the links to the origin page after each date-entry hide suppress the links to the origin-pages auto default. Only shows the links if more than one page is the origin of a column debug If this option is set, the complete gcal-command printed above the calendar in red color. For debugging and documentation purposes. notoc Disables the automatic table-of-contents (TOC). cache Enables page-caching. Must be set in the last gcal-command of a page. nested With this option set, namespaces are scanned recursively. I.e. with 'pages=(:calendar:*)' and option 'nested' the calendar shows up all events of the namespace ':calendar' and the events of all its subnamespaces. dayshift= Positive or negative number of days to move the yellow today-marker. lang= Specify the 2-digit language-code to switch the plugin to a different language than the current main language of your wiki. compact Smaller representation of dates with no events to save space. See dropempty. dropempty Works in conjunction with compact. Drops dates with no events. noheader, nohead, nofoot, nonav * “nonav” removes navigation part of the calendar * “nohead” removes the columnheaders * “nofoot” removes the columnfooters * “noheader” removes all of the above mentioned parts */